Support Us

The Rosemary Community Library is a registered charitable organization that gratefully accepts bequests, memorials, individual, business and organization donations, and other gifts. There are several ways in which you can support the library:

  • Donations
  • Volunteer

Gifts and Donations

The library accepts gifts, but reserves the right to evaluate, and dispose of them in accordance with the criteria applied to purchased materials. Gift items which do not accord with the library's objectives and policies will be refused. No conditions may be imposed relating to any item after its acceptance by the libraries. For more information on how to donate materials to the library, please contact our library manager.


Volunteers who devote their time, talents, and enthusiasm to the library touch many lives and make a difference to our community.

Services may be staffed by volunteers only when such an arrangement would enhance the quality of public service and would be the most cost-effective. Any assessment of cost-effectiveness must consider that volunteer programs have a higher supervisory

component and more extensive back-up provisions.

Tasks that may be performed by volunteers

  • Shelf-readers and Shelf-straighteners help ensure that patrons and staff can find library materials where they're supposed to be.
  • Special projects
  • Care of library plants
  • Program assistance
  • Book sale volunteers

For more information about volunteering at the library please contact our library manager